Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Coffee and a Post

This morning after I dropped all the kids off at school--I hopped on the freeway and went to my Grandmother's---just in time for some fresh brewed coffee. We had a wonderful morning--she always tells me story's about Grandpa and when I was little and such. She calls Little Kevin, *Bobby's Boy*--I am not sure if you remember, we all refer to her as Bobby because she wears Bobby pins in her hair. I spent the weekend doing every stitch of laundry so I took the morning off today to visit my favorite person. That doesn't mean that NOW I don't have more laundry...LOL..because I do. Last night one of my dearest friends called me, and I had to tell her I had to call her back---Kevin had gotten home late and I had to fix his plate and clean the kitchen---then Little Kevin awoke and I nursed him and then fell asleep myself--so I woke thinking---OH NO--my friend--so I have to call her in a little bit and apologize for not calling her back--I know she had a lot to talk about, because lots of changes has gone on in her life.

Chicken is in the oven baking--a great sale on chicken bre*asts-----yay!!! We also have mashed potatoes, corn, spinach and a fresh green salad. I am cooking all the chicken, so tomorrow I can use the rest in either a casserole, noodles or dumplings---not sure yet. Tomorrow I am definitely staying home and doing some housework and such--plus getting my list ready for a great big grocery trip:) Ohh, I forgot on Friday, Bobby needs to go to a Doctor appointment, so I will be gone some on Friday.

I am charging my camera up--it was low, so I am going to take some updated pictures of Kevin, he is growing so much--and what a sweet personality he has, just like his Daddy!!!! I have been tivoing Martha, so maybe one day this week I will be able to see what great ideas she has. Also, the Duggars new episode is going to be September 21st--I am pretty sure, but I am going to double check just to make sure.

Well, what else.....I am setting up my home in *Fall Motif* I will take pictures and share my fall decorating/cooking/baking etc.


  1. Julieann, sounds like you are quite busy--I spent all day yesterday getting caught up with laundry--and that wasn't even the putting it away part--ha! I also bought lots of chicken this weekend at Sam's Club and put it in the freezer--am now going to be looking for lots of chicken recipes!!


  2. Ohh Ohhh If you make chicken and dumplings please share your recipe! :) Wow Will you come do all our laundry and cleam my kitchen as well? LOL

    I thought of you last week! I went to the helth food store to get my Gummi Berry Juice (a high caffine drink that gets me moving and cleaning) and I saw that soap you had mentioned that someone else uses. They had it in honeysuckle :) I didn't buy it but thought about it.

  3. It sounds like you are having a great week, Julieann! Good idea to cook up all your chicken ahead of time! I can't wait to see pictures of little Kevin!

  4. Sounds like a wonderful time with your the reason behind her "Bobby" nickname! lol I swear my laundry multiplies when I'm not looking!!! Your chicken dinner sounds so good, yummmm! Looking forward to seeing pictures of your Autumn decorations:-) xox

  5. I can't wait for pictures.

    Chrissy T

  6. Hi Julieann!!!
    I'll bet your grandmother is SUCH a sweetie- like you!!! The walk you talk about her, she sounds so warm and wonderful. What a blessing she must be!!

    Mrs. U


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