Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, August 27, 2007

Salt and Pepper!!

Oh, this is so exciting for me. I took my Grandmother shopping today, and we went to the Costco---oh was I excited when I saw these---->

What are they you ask? They are sea salt and pepper grinders and they are BIG ones too. I am use to getting the little itty bitty ones at the grocery store for the same amount I paid for these--3.89 each--woohooo---oh my husband is going to be so happy with these too:)


  1. Freshly ground pepper and salt is so yummy! It sounds like you had a fun time shopping with your grandmother!

  2. I am SO excited Julieann! I FINALLY got your blog to read through my bloglines! The problem was, I just cut and paste your web address, but it didn't contain the www. part.

    NOW, I can FINALLY keep tabs on you!


    PS. Thanks for the anniversary well wishes!

  3. They look wonderful!! I love the seasonings you can grind right from the jar.

  4. I went to Costco today and picked up the Sea Salt for $3.49. The pepper is $3.89 though. Interesting how location can affect the prices. :)

  5. Hi Leah---The price was pretty close :)

    My husband was so happy with them--he said, they are so big!!! LOL

  6. I LOVE freshly ground pepper! Mmmm!!!

    We've never tried fresh ground salt. I'll have to look for some soon!

    Mrs. U


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