I have been asked some questions so I will try and answer them.
I have had a few questions about where I live:
First, I live in San Clemente, California--I have lived here most of my life---except for a few trips to Georgia. I lived in Georgia in 2000-2001 and then from 2005-2006--My husband had gotten a promotion all times for each move, but he has promised me this is where will stay. I have to say, I adore Georgia and was very sad to leave, but I did not realize how much of a Cali girl I really am until I came back. I learned how to surf when I was 25, it was on my list of things to do. San Clemente is a little beach town----It is an hour from LA and hour from San Diego--I am smack dab in the middle of those cities. I grew up going to the beach, and I absolutely love the beach. I do miss the Thunderstorms in Georgia--but there is nothing better then getting your shoulders kissed by the sun while on the pier watching the waves and the young surfers riding those waves. Watching young children make sand castles and there big eyes when a wave comes crashing to the shore------the sun on the water is so breathtaking--God is good:)
I have had a few questions about my age, and when I was first married and when I had my first baby----
I am 36 years old, I will be 37 in July---I was married very young at 19, I had Tony when I was 21.
I had Alexis when I was 30 just about to turn 31.
I bet you are so ready to meet your baby boy, too, isn't it exciting?! Have you picked out a name, yet?
We are leaning towards the name Connor--but we are stuck on the middle name.
Hi Julieann!!!Did you make your aprons?? Or purchase them?
All aprons I have shown pictures of, I bought--BUT I am determined to make one soon:)
And oh my, it was 86 degrees last Saturday where you live? Wow, how hot does it actually get in the summer then?
It gets pretty hot here in Southern California, but since I live near the beach it never gets unbearable---there is always a nice ocean breeze--you drive an hour away from here to my fathers and then you have the dry heat and it gets in the 100's--yucky.
What are Butter beans?
Butter beans are white beans, like northern beans, I think they are also called Lima beans--but I think Lima beans are Green where as these are white--and oh so good--like butter:)
Noodle and Garlic recipe? This is something I grew up on--very simple--I just make spaghetti noodles, drain them---then in a pan I heat just a few tablespoons of oil with some minced garlic---saute just a bit--tun off heat-- add the noodles to the oil and garlic, mix--add some parsley and Parmesan cheese---that is it. I am sorry I do not have any measurements---but it really is good:)
Okay, I hope I answered everyones questions about this and that--that was fun..(LOL)
For dinner tonight, I am going to grill some pork strips---leftover noodles--salad with my homemade ranch Dressing--homemade dinner rolls---
You all have a wonderful day xoxoxox
It is nice getting to know more about a person...such as their past. I know it is something I fail to mention. How do you make your ranch dressing?
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine surfing and the joys of living near the beach. Everywhere we are, God has treasures of his handiwork for us to enjoy and praise Him for! I wish to remain anon on the web, but I don't live near water...it is very pastoral here...lots of farmland and rolling hills. Better get ready for bed...and that means packing my husband's lunch next =).
ReplyDeleteIt was so nice getting to know a little bit more about you! The town in which you live sounds so picture perfect! It must be so wonderful to be so close to the ocean. Also, thanks for sharing the noodle recipe, it sounds so yummy I will be trying it soon:)
ReplyDeleteJulieann, it was so much fun reading more about you! :o) Having grown up in a beachtown in Florida, I can totally relate to the joys of living near the water. You described it beautifully! :o)
ReplyDeleteP.S. I really thought I'd wished your Tony a Happy Birthday, but I see that I didn't. So Happy Belated Birthday, Tony! :o)
That was so fun and interesting to read! Glad you posted it :)