Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Shopping, pillows, baby swings

This weekend was a busy and fun one. I did my shopping on Saturday and stocked my kitchen--it is quite a happy kitchen right now. In Georgia, I was doing once a month shopping, while going out periodically getting produce and dairy. Now that I am back in California, I don't have the extra freezer that I had in Georgia, so it is not easy to stock my freezer with a month worth of meat. I am looking for a new freezer to put in my garage, but it is not a high end priority right now. So, I have been slowly converting my shopping--when I have a solid schedule I will post about it--but right now, what I am doing is working:)

When I was at Walmart, I was looking at the throw pillows and wanted to buy some pink ones for my daughter's bed---but being the frugal mom I am, I just could not justify spending my husband's hard earned money on pillows that cost 10.00 dollars---so what I did was find these pink bandannas there, I bought 8 for .94 cents each and two bags of batting for 1.27 each----I made these pillows for my daughter's bed for a little over 2 dollars each. They came out really nice and my daughter loves them:)

Okay onto another find. My husband went out, to run some errands, and he stopped by Walmart too. He was looking at the baby items and came across this swing. Look at the price tag.
YEP!!! It was a 60.00 dollar swing marked down to 14.50--he grabbed it right up and bought it home to me--I was thrilled!!! This is it all put together--I love it. Perfect colors for a boy too, don't you think?
These are my receipts from my shopping day--you can see some of the things I bought and the prices. I tried to get the whole receipt in the picture, but it came out too blurry. I first went to Ralph's. I like them, they have the best meat prices and markdowns--plus they double ALL coupons, no matter how much. Then I went to walmart, to get some odds and ends and some snacks and juices.

This is a picture of the inside of my Refrigerator---I can not believe I took a picture of my fridge and posted it for all to see..(LOL) What does the inside of your fridge look like? My produce is kept in the drawers towards the bottom. I did not make it to the Farmer's market this weekend, I wish I had, because the price of produce was outrageous. I also bought more Bread flour as I was low, so there will be a lot of baking this week--YAY!

Tonight's Dinner:
Beef Roast-plus homemade gravy
Roasted Potatoes
Homemade Dinner rolls

Well, I think that is it for now. I hope you all have a Wonderful and very Blessed Monday!!! XO XO

Monday's To do's
One load of Laundry
Swish toilets
Bake some bread
Finish my stove, I have the parts soaking right now to clean:)


  1. The pillows are just adorable!! I feel the same way... I never like to buy something when I think I can make it myself, and many times the custom made result is cuter than what I could have gotten in the store. That is definitely the case with those pillows. They are really original and fun!!

    Great buy on the swing, too!! I was at WalMart looking at baby swings this weekend, too, but didn't find any markdowns like that!! Don't you love those amazing deals that you come across every now and then? :-)

  2. What a great idea to make pillows from bandanas! I never would have imagined!

    The inside of my fridge? HA. That would make a great before and after though. I'll have to file that idea away.

    No, today, I posted pics of my ironing!

  3. I love the pillow idea. Will have to use that idea in the future. I am big on saving money at the store too. I almost always have coupons and always on the lookout for sale items.

  4. What a lovely idea for the pillows -- and so thrifty and creative, too!

    Keeping a clean fridge is high on my dh's list of priorities, so you have inspired me to tend to mine. At the moment, it can use a little re-organizing and cleaning.

  5. The pillows are adorable. How clever of you to make them yourself and save 80%. And I truly cannot believe the price on that swing. I bought a used swing at a baby consignment store when my grandson was born. I thought I got a great deal but I paid $25. You are one good shopper!

    And you'd be surprised how many people out here have at one time or another posted a photo of the inside of their fridge. Not me. Not until I get it cleaned out! LOL

  6. What a GREAT idea to use bandanas for pillows! They are so cute!! And what a deal on your new baby swing! It's adorable and perfect for a boy!!

  7. Julieann -

    I love the pillows; they're darling! And what an outstanding deal on the baby swing -- one of the few things I actually consider a baby "necessity!" ;o)

  8. The pink bandana pillows are sheer genius! Love them...=). Isn't it wonderful how the Lord provides just what we always fills my heart with thankfullness and praise to Him! The inside of your frig is a good testimony to what a good homemaker you are...=).


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