Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Saturday Chatter

Good Morning!!! Today is Saturday, and I have a lot of things planned that need to be done. Let's see if I can do all I have on my list. Yesterday, was a good day, there was not any school and Tony needed to do research for a paper he is doing for English that requires more then just the internet he needed some reference books, so we went to the library. Tony got his books and then he went off to visit his friends and the beach. Alexis and I looked for more books--she picked out several books for us to read: I got my self Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe.

My Children's bathroom is done in blue but there was not really a theme--so I was thinking of something that would be nice/cute for a boys and girls bathroom and I came up with *Rubber Ducky* (Giggles) I bought a frame for 1.48 at Walmart--and found a picture of a rubber ducky on the internet and printed it out----this is what the picture looks like--->

It really looks good with the blue, I have rubber ducky's on the window sill and I am going to get some kind of Shower curtain to match--the one I have now is just white.

Tomorrow is Kevin's birthday, so I am going to make a cake today--and I bought this poster board to make a Happy Birthday Sign--I will post about the gift I made him tomorrow.

Okay, before we moved back here, I donated quite a bit of outgrown kids clothes, but it it still left me with quite a bit more--so I listed a few things on EBAY...I am going to list a few things everyday, if time permits and see how I do---if you want to see my hard work (giggles) on ebay, just check out Kevinnjulieann :) Tell me what you think if you peak.

I am also going to make some more pillows for Tony's room--blue this time not pink. OHHH, I almost forgot---On Thursday, the freeway was stopped so I took the side road to get to where I wanted to go and I passed the Goodwill, I stopped to look and found a bedspread in perfect condition for my daughter's bed (12.00)--it is pink--YAY!!!!!!! Now her bed is coming together and looking so PINK..(LOL) I will take a picture of it and post it--I forgot to do it for the post--oops. Well that is all for now--I must get started on laundry.

Saturday's To Do's
Bake a Cake
Make bagels for the week (I will take a picture to share)
List on Ebay
...and what ever else I may fit in.

What are your plans for this wonderful day?
Have a beautiful Saturday, and thank you so much for stopping by--all your comments are so wonderful to read, and I just love all your blogs to read--they are all so inspirational and keep me motivated!!! xoxoxox


  1. Hello, Julieann! You certainly had a productive day yesterday and another one planned for today. Thanks for letting us know your soaking solution for your stove parts. I've used dishwashing liquid and water before, and it worked well; I know this stove is just too gunked up for it to work...I've tried! Oh well, soon we'll be in our new house.

    What do I have planned? Well, we finished the grocery shopping this morning, so the rest of my day will be spent on Adam's laundry, baking banana bread and blueberry muffins, and enjoying the company of my Adam and our little one, of course.

    Enjoy your day! I can't wait to hear about your husband's cake and gift.

  2. Oh, I forgot! I really enjoyed Uncle Tom's Cabin. I'm from KY and enjoyed the parts about the plantation there. It was such a sad story, though. I cried several times while reading it. I look forward to hearing what you think about it.

  3. I love the "Guess How Much I Love You" book. My parents bought it for me last year for my birthday. It is sucha cute book. I look forward to reading it to my kids when they come along.

    I am getting to work on some paper work today. I am very behind and am hoping to get cought up today.

    Your bathroom sounds adorable. I hope you get all you need to get done finished today.

  4. Your library day sounded productive - nothing like good books! :o) And Happy Birthday wishes to your husband! :o)

  5. What a wonderful idea to do that rubber ducky picture. I would have never thought of that. That comforter was definitely waiting for you. How funny that there was traffic or you would have never known. I will definitely check out your ebay auctions I am always in need of childrens clothes. Can't wait to see your bagels!

  6. Hi Julieann! I hope you got lots of things done today! My love your little ducky picture..our main bathroom used to be yellow and blue ducky's and I think Walmart has a really cute line of bathroom products.

    I took a peek at your ebay auctions...such cute little clothes..makes me wish my girls were little again. :0)

    This morning the girls and I cut out some little stuffed lamb and scotty dog patterns. Then, this afternoon I went grocery shopping. The fridge and pantry are all stocked up. :0)

    Have fun baking your cake!

    Talk to you soon,

  7. Yay, there is nothing like a great bargain at Goodwill!! :-) I also love your framed ducky print, that was such a good idea. My children have a rubber ducky bathroom, and I just think it's a cheerful and cute theme! I am slowly replacing some items and sprucing it up, because it's starting to get tired. WalMart and Target do have lots of cute things!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  8. The rubber ducky theme is really cute! The picture looks great.


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