Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Notebook--PART 2

You have already seen the front--I just want to add, I think it is more fun to make your own cover then to print one out--I do print out covers sometimes, when something really strikes me, but i really like my homemade one too:) Inside front pocket--Cards, stickers, misc things
Front pouch--pens, highlighter, stamps, etc. Lined paper that behind that--that is a must in any notebook.
To be a Good Wife Paper
Proverbs 31
Divider for Addresses and Phone-->
Printable address list that I got form Organized
Calendar Divider-->
I have a calendar printed out for each month--I do them in pencil for easy correction--and plus, I like writing in pencil (lol)
Kitchen and Grocery Divider-->
I printed out this neat kitchen list from Large Family Logistics--> I love there site:)

Another kind of Grocery list
Everyday Bargain lists-->
Daily/ Weekly Cleaning Divider--->
Daily schedule---this is not a strict schedule---but I do like making lists.

Checklist reminders, courtesy of Fly Lady

I have daily/weekly/monthly printouts--->

Cleaning the kitchen list--> You never know what you might miss. I got this from a Virtuous Woman.
Cleaning Zones Dividers-->

These cleaning Zones are courtesy of Fly Lady--->

Fall/Spring Deep Cleaning Divider--->
The spring list I got from a Virtuous Woman
The Fall list I got from a Mom's Online website, that no longer exists though:(
Routine Examples--->

Routine Examples are courtesy of Fly Lady--->

Notebook Ideas Divider-->
Courtesy of Fly lady and several other interesting websites
Health divider-->
This is just a checklist of things to do to be healthy

A list for helping your metabolism---> I also have sheets on diet, and fats, healthy eating, etc.

Misc. Printout Divider-->An assortment of wonderful printoutsI use all of these things--I make several copies from my copier machine and have back ups behind them.Back notebook pocket--> Letter stickersBack cover----> Courtesy of my daughter:)

Okay, now I want to say--I couldn't take pictures of everything, but I think you can get a nice idea of my notebook. This is my notebook and it works for me--I am a list maker and love finding new and valuable printouts to add to my book. I am always updating and playing with it. I did realize my husband even paid attention to it, until one day I saw him writing down a new address for me in my address section<---Bless his heart:) If you are interested in starting one, just start simple and add what feels comfortable to you and what you like to do. If you have any questions about anything I have in my notebook, just ask, I will be happy to answer any questions or let you know where I got a certain printout.
The End: xoxox


  1. How fun! I love seeing the inside of other people's binders. (o:

  2. how neat! You are so organized! I may have to do something like this especially if I am going to home school. I hear it is important to be organized!

  3. Oh my goodness! Have you ever inspired me to get out my Homekeeping Binder and get busy!!! I'm in awe!!
    It really truly is motivational to see how others 'do' it! Thanks SO much for sharing this!

  4. Wow, this is such an inspiring notebook!! Now I really want to get organized and put one together. I love the cover you made, and of course the back cover is so precious, too!!

    Thank you for your sweet comment... I feel like it could be any day now. You must be getting sooooo excited too!! The last couple of months really fly by quicker than you think they will. Your baby boy will be here before you know it, too!! :-)

  5. Lovely notebook! I confess...the back cover is my favorite part; I love children's drawings.

  6. You've put together a lovely homekeeping notebook! Very inspiring!

  7. Your Homekeeping Notebook look so Spring! Very nice! Thanks for sharing all the great information.

    God Bless!

  8. So your a FlyLady fan too. I have a similar notebook. I just love crossing things off of my lists. Have a great day.

  9. What a lovely notebook. My binder is a work in progress I'm currently updating my schedule as it's not really working out for me lately.

    I came via the link at Mrs B's. You have a lovely blog :)

  10. Hiya :) I cant believe your 5ft!!! I thought I was short being 5,2!!!!
    I couldnt believe it when you wrote that on my blog, its pretty neat to know someone shorter than me LOL :)
    I was so honored that you added me to your favorites! Thank you, that made me feel nice :) I am adding you for sure too once my blog is completed.


  11. Very inspiring Julieann!! I loved seeing how you have everything set up!


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me