Checklist reminders, courtesy of Fly Lady

These cleaning Zones are courtesy of Fly Lady--->

Routine Examples are courtesy of Fly Lady--->

A list for helping your metabolism---> I also have sheets on diet, and fats, healthy eating, etc.

Okay, now I want to say--I couldn't take pictures of everything, but I think you can get a nice idea of my notebook. This is my notebook and it works for me--I am a list maker and love finding new and valuable printouts to add to my book. I am always updating and playing with it. I did realize my husband even paid attention to it, until one day I saw him writing down a new address for me in my address section<---Bless his heart:) If you are interested in starting one, just start simple and add what feels comfortable to you and what you like to do. If you have any questions about anything I have in my notebook, just ask, I will be happy to answer any questions or let you know where I got a certain printout.