Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sunday's are Wonderful

Happy Sunday everyone. Today is a very nice day, the weather is really nice too. Kevin has requested Nachos for dinner--not really what I like to make for Sunday dinner, but it is what he wants--so that is what I will make. A very easy dinner, don't you think? My family just loves Mexican food--I think my husband could eat it every day, with a steak mixed in the menu. I am making my list for things I want to accomplish during the week, somethings that are fun and somethings that aren't so fun----Example: Fun= making a cake, Not-So-Fun= Cleaning toilets.

I have this strange feeling that my baby is going to be a big one---There is no question now, that I look pregnant--I am all tummy----and the precious little kicks are are very noticeable and happen a lot which makes me smile:)

Oh, well, I will close for now--just wanted to make a short post---until tomorrow, have a wonderful and peaceful Sunday xoxoxox

1 comment:

  1. Nachos sound delicious! Much tastier than our leftovers of chicken pot pie and broccoli casserole.

    I bet you are just the cutest thing with your belly!


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