Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Pictures of Today

Okay, I know my Blog looks different again--please bare with me, I love pink, I like to think of pink as my signature color, but the last two templates with pink looked really busy and too cluttered together--This template has more room for the posts, and I picked a grey backing because I think it will go nice with pink accents--What do you think?

In between tweaking my blog, I was working on today's daily activities:
I baked a cake:
I made my homemade Dinner Rolls:I also made my Rigatoni Casserole. All I have to do is top it with lots of cheese and warm it in the oven--That will be served with the Dinner Rolls above, a green salad, and some steamed carrots for tonight's dinnerOver at Kelli's blog, she posted all about her lovely Sunbonnet Sue's" I told her I would post a picture of a lady with a sunbonnet my great, great grandmother made (I never met this Grandmother). Now, that I have it out, I am thinking of framing it and hanging it on the wall, what do you think? Kelli, is this a "Sunbonnet Sue" ?
Well, I also did my two loads of laundry and hung the pictures I said I wanted to hang. I just love being a wife and mother :) xoxo


  1. Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier. Your dinner looks delicious. I had better get to cooking on our dinner. Have a great day!

  2. Pink is my best color, and I often wear it with gray. So, I think your gray background is a lovely choice!

  3. I love the gray and pink together!

    And HOW did you get the icing on your cake so perfect? I believe you could give Miss Martha S. a run for her money!

    Check out my latest post called "Love Is In The Air". I think you'll want to join in...

  4. Your blog looks very pretty Julieann...the pink is lovely and I really like it with the grey.
    I made some baked ziti today and thought about your wonderful dinner rolls and I wished I could have one! I want some of that cake too. ;0)

    That is definitely a Sunbonnet Sue and she is ADORABLE! Look at her little shoes! She would look wonderful framed!


  5. Hi Julieann,
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog for a visit, and for your kind message on my shoutbox! It's always nice to 'meet' new friends! LOL And I really like the graphics/layout of your blog. So pretty!

    Everything you cooked/baked looks delicious...but those rolls...oh. my. goodness. Yum!

    Looking forward to visiting you again! Have a blessed day!

  6. Yum! That cake looks great!...and the rolls...and the Rigatoni! Yummmmy! =) That sunbonnet sue is adorable!!

  7. Charree--you have a very nice blog:)

    Elizabeth--Thank you--we can have a pinky club:)

    Chrissy---I used a frosting Spatula to frost my cake, a few years ago Kevin bought me a cake decorating kit. I adore Martha:)

    Kelli, I frammed my little Sunbonnet Sue and put her out for others to see:)

    Hi Amy, I am glad you stopped by, and my rolls last night, dissapeared so quick..LOL

    Hi Tammy:::waiving:::


  8. Yummy looking cake, I like coming to visit your site and I think it is so cute how you let us know what's on the menu for the night but it such a shame we can't taste :)


Thank you so much for visiting--I so appreciate the time you take to leave a comment:) Have a wonderful day, Friends.

P.S. You can always email me