Soups, Soups And More Soups!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

A few thoughts for today

Yesterday, I had written a post about the weather---the jist of the post was it was in the 70's and I opened all my windows to air the home out--and I wanted a tan...LOL.

Today it is back to being cold, really cold--how odd--one day very warm, the next very cold.

Tonight's dinner is going to be pizza----YAY!!! Not delivery pizza, but homemade pizza----I use my bread machine to knead the pizza dough, and then the fun begins with topping the pizza--I make one just cheese, and the other one loaded. If you are in need of a really awesome pizza/dough recipe---> go here------>Homemade Pizza. I love her website, and I have never had a recipe fail from her site:) (Plus it is an adorable website)

Also, I cleaned the living room today---I think it must be the most used room in the entire house, and needs TLC everyday. I am also, going to work on my kitchen with a little extra care today--since dinner is easy, I am going to do a little extra cleaning--wiping everything down to make my kitchen sparkle.

Another thought, that crosses my mind---Valentine's Day is coming up----I usually put hearts all around the house--I will be anxious to read what other people are doing to make this day special. The kids get cards and candy---I will make heartshaped cookies, etc...oh I just love the Holidays, especially now, the holidays are just making this pregnancy whiz by..LOL.

I was listening to the news and Dr. Laura was on promoting her new book--> "The Proper Care & Feeding of Marriage". Now, I have my opinions of her, I just take the advice that I agree with and leave the rest..LOL--anyway, just curious if anyone has read any of her books or will be reading this one. It looks interesting, and she had some good ideas on her interview--I really liked it when she said, does your husband come home to a smiling, nicely dressed wife, or does he come home to someone looking sloppy? Does he wake up in the morning excited to start his day, because he knows he has you to come home too--or would he rather stay at the office where the women are happy and take care of themselves?

Last but not least, I added a search button to my sidebar--pretty nifty, huh? LOL---I told you, I would get this blog thing down...LOL-----Now, access to all my posts should be easier, especially if you are looking for a post I made a long time ago for the most wonderful Ranch Salad dressing:)

I have always said, I don't like posts that lead into novels, oops--I guess I just outdid myself..LOL---sometimes, when I am talking I do the same thing--I can be quite chatty...LOL--anyway, I will close for now and publish this post--hoping you all have a Terrific Thursday!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxox


  1. Hi Julieann - just wanted to pop in and say hello! I love homemade pizza; and, you're right, it's picking the toppings that make it fun.

    I've never read any of Laura's books but my mother does. She usually gives me a summary. The principles you posted are good - husbands should come home to clean and pretty wives!

    Nice blog - I can't wait to have time to read more. :)

  2. :::Waiving to Revee:::: It is nice to see you over here:)


  3. Thanks for the pizza link. I'll be checking it out! I just got a Pampered Chef pizza stone!

  4. I love homemade pizza!! Cheese, mushroom and black olive for me, please. :0)

  5. Great post Julieann!!!

    We love homemade pizza here too.

  6. Tammy, I heard those PC Pizza stones, are really awesome:) I wish I had one!

    Kelli--I love all kinds of veggies and pineapple--yummy!!!

    Hi Mrs.A:))


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