Soups, Soups And More Soups!
Friday, July 28, 2006
School Supplies
Thursday, July 27, 2006
My Kitchen

<----This is my kitchen. I love my kitchen. As you can see, I collect cows, well maybe you can't see all of them, but they are there. I spend a good part of my day there, making breakfast, lunch and dinner for my family. I also love to bake--as you can also see, I have a bread maker, which I love--a lot of times though, I will use just the dough cycle--and bake the bread in the oven, I like the shape of the loaf better that way. I also make bread by hand. I have mastered, all kinds of breads, bagels, pizza dough, and dinner rolls. The smell of fresh baked bread is wonderful as it permeates the house.
I haven't tried sourdough, but I am looking for a recipe for a sourdough starter. Does anyone out there have a tried and true sourdough starter? Today is Thursday, and I got on my hands and knees and gave my kitchen floor a good old fashoined scrubbing. I am planning on making some cookies today, which I know my daughter will love to help with this--she does really well at cracking eggs. I forgot to mention, for my birthday, Kevin bought me the whole first season of Little house on the Prairie---oh, I was so excited--the first season is my favorite. I also have some more good news, Kevin does not have to go out of town next week--so he will be home everynight--woohoo. 2 more weeks until my son returns home from washington--I miss him so much. It is a beautiful day here in Georgia--it doesn't seem to hot outside, but the wasps and bees always scare me when i am out there. I love looking out my windows and seeing all the beautiful trees all around--they are always so full of beautiful birds. I got most of my housework done that I wanted to do today---I love the smell of a clean home!!! Happy Thursday everyone:)
Monday, July 24, 2006
Today is my Birthday!

Woohoo:) Today I turn 36---I can not believe it. I had a very nice day yesterday--my MIL, had a very nice get together yestaerday for me. It was a very special day. Today, also happens to be Monday, a very busy day for me--plus it also happens to be my favorite day of the week. The other day, I decided to put a table cloth on my dining room table--it looks so sweet. Here is a ---<----picture. It really looks even nicer in real life---I think it looks rather lovely.
Well, I bought some things over the weekend for my home, so I am going to play with everything and decide where to hang up the new mirror and wreath, etc...You all have a great and happy day:)
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Thursday's Ramble
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Busy Wednesday
Besides my son's room, I also tidied up my room--it needed a little care--I dusted the ceiling fan, dusted the furniture and vacuumed.
Tomorrow, I want to organize the mountain of stuffed animals my daughter has collected through the years--she has so many---I will put up pictures, so you all can get a better idea..LOL
I am still trying to be able to format my post right-instead of one super long paragragh----ugh, it is not working--what am I doing wrong here?
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
Tuesday's To Do's

I have a few things I would like to get done this week---I am still working on Tony's room. I am thinking I am going to bring his box of toys downstairs to play room--he is going on 15 and not really into toys anymore, so I figure, if he needs something, he can get it down here--plus it will declutter his room a bit.
I also want to work on my Household notebook--I keep finding such fun printables to put in there-----If you aren't too sure how to start a notebook, google flylady--she has a lot of tips to get started.
I also bought some large poster boards, and making a new chore chart for the kids---I am going to put the chore chart on there plus printable calandars on it, and put it somewhere they can see it daily and be reminded to do certain things.
Let me see if I can post the pics of my laundry room---->
YAY, it worked!!!
Monday, July 17, 2006

Monday--I love Mondays. Even when I was a young girl, I loved Mondays--the start of a new week. My plans for this week is to first clean and organize my sons room--he left it in rather a mess when he left for Washington. I am going to go through it and and make it really nice for him, for when he returns, hoping he will keep it that way--oh to be a teenager..LOL. I also want to make some bread, zucchini and a wheat/rice bread I found a recipe for--it looked really good. It is just Alexis and me this week, Kevin is out of town, starting today. I made a special dinner for him last night, as he has to eat out so much when he is away--I know he hates leaving, and I miss him when he is gone, so I try and make his weekends wonderful. We are still trying for a baby--I am on my third month----It must be because I am older, we usually get pregnant the first try---hmmm, I often wonder what Gods plan is--will I have more children or not? I totally organized my laundry room, it looks wonderful and so clean--I love going in there now--as soon as my camera is charged I will post a pick of my laundry room. On my list of things to do today besides cleaning my sons room, I am going to vacuum, clean toilets, sweep and mop kitchen floor. I bought a hanging plant for my porch this weekend, it looks so nice--I have a hummingbird feeder out there and a winchime--i also hung a sign out there that says welcome friends, my porch looks very inviting now--now all I need is a porch bench to sit:) I have a chicken i am going to cook today, I am going to boil it, and make a good broth and then pull all the meat off the chicken--my daughter loves the chicken like that..LOL. I am also going to make some pea soup this week--YUMMY--I love pea soup. Well, that is all for now, I may update some more later today. I will also try and post some pictures here, but I am not quite sure how to do it yet. let me see if this works---->
AHHH it worked:) YAY!!!! That is a picture of my family about 2 years ago Christmas:)
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
This and That
Tony leaves for Washington tomorrow--I am going to miss my child, so much. I have his clothes all cleaned, I just have to put them in the suitcase.
Can you believe Christmas is right around the corner??? I love the Holidays, so very much, starting with Halloween--oohhhh spooky----I love to decorate--my house looked awesome last Halloween----Also, the smells of the Holidays are always so nice--sometimes in the summer, I will bake something to remind me of the Holidays, and make the house smell so good!!
It is a very warm day here, we have the A/C on so it stays nice in the house, but my poor husband has to work out in the heat:( He is out of town at the moment, but should be home soon. I packed him a bunch of food for his trip and i snuck little love notes in his suitcase:) he is a very Husband and Father. Our anniversary is coming up too----I am still praying for another little one to bless our family----I am trying not to obsess about it---but it is so exciting having a baby, something, I so want.
I have some red beans cooking on the stove, that I had soaked all night--I will have them with some rice--and of course a veggie. Maybe some bread too.
well, I can not believe how fast today went..LOL----But I am very proud of all the work I have gotten done today--it is so nice to be organized.
36 is slowly creeping up on me---13 more days--OHHHH how I want to be pregnant for my birthday!!!!
Monday, July 10, 2006
Apple Cider Vinegar and other Stuff
Water---I drink a lot of water---I don't gulp it down, I drink it slowly through out the day--at least 8 glasses--I like it cold with lots of ice, and sometimes I add Lemon to it--lemon is also suppossed to help speed your metabolism. I don't believe in diets, I believe in healthy eating and everything in moderation.
Monday--I am washing my bedding right now--there is nothing better then climbing into a freshly made bed---mmmmmm..LOL.
Kevin is out of town, so I spent the weekend cooking for him--I made a ton of chicken for him to take, and some Italian sausage, twice baked potatoes, egg noodles, salad, and veggies--I packed it all up in a cooler---he has a little kitchen in his room, so he will be able to reheat everything, and have a taste of my home cooking that he misses when he is away:) I also stuck a few love notes in his suitcase, so he will find them as he unpacks.
I woke up a little later then usual this morning, I was up a little later then usual last night, making kevin's food--so when I woke up this morning, I wasn't able to read my bible, so I will try and study it more this afternoon, and before I go to bed--I like reading it before I go to bed, because it helps me sleep more soundly and feel more at peace:) God is good!!!
Oh, a couple more things---we are on our 3rd month trying to concieve---I hope and pray God will bless me with more children.
Tony is going to Washington on Thursday for a month, I will miss him so much. I am going to use that time to go through his room and really deep clean it and organize it, for the upcoming school year---I can't believe he is going to be in highschool!!!! P.S. He doen't care if I go in his room--He likes it when I clean it:)
That is it for now----
Thursday, July 06, 2006
When You Thought I Wasn't Looking
When You Thought I Wasn't Looking
When you thought I wasn't looking,I saw you hang my first picture on the refrigerator,and I wanted to paint another one.
When you thought I wasn't looking, I saw you feed a stray cat, and I thoughtit was good to be kind to animals.
When you thought I wasn't looking,I saw you make my favorite cake for me,and I knew that little things are special things.
When you thought I wasn't looking,I heard you say a prayer, and I believed there was a God that Icould always talk to.
When you thought I wasn't looking,I felt you kiss me good night,and I felt loved.
When you thought I wasn't looking,I saw tears come from your eyes and I learnedthat sometimes things hurt,but it's all right to cry.
When you thought I wasn't looking,I saw that you cared and I wanted to beeverything that I could be.
When you thought I wasn't looking,I looked....and now I want to say thanksfor all the things I saw,when you thought I wasn't looking.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Very First Entry
I am trying a new blog spot, to see if I like this better then the one I am using. So far so good.....
Oh I Hope I can understand all this stuuf to do here..LOL
Okay so I just figured out I have to press shift and enter to go to the next line---
Pretty exciting stuff huh?
Well, I hope my Blog finds all who read it happy and healthy, and please try not to laugh as I try and set this blog up right..
It took me forever to make a title...and it turned out to be so simple.